1. The Ministry must be focused on the Great Commission.
  2. The Ministry must present the Gospel directly, with a primary focus on both short and long-term impact.
  3. The Ministry should have a governing board.
  4. The Ministry must have the previous year's measurable evangelistic impact and reach.
  5. The Ministry must have an established presence or local partnerships in the areas or communities they serve.
  6. The Ministry must be registered as a non-profit/501c3/charity/NGO or operate within the organizational structure of an existing denomination.
  7. The Ministry or contact person must be able to provide appropriate references and documentation to support their application.
  8. The Ministry and its leaders must not be sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (USA Government Treasury Department).

Ministries can apply only if their organization meets the above Ministry eligibility criteria guidelines.


The EveryONE Initiative is a strategic tool that supports frontline evangelistic efforts aimed at spreading the Gospel to those who have not yet had the opportunity to hear it. 

Submit Early

  • Funding applications are evaluated every 6-8 weeks. We recommend submitting your application 3-6 months before funding is needed.

Project Summary:

  • Briefly summarize your project's timeline, objectives, and expected outcomes.
  • Share with us your organization's expertise, human resources and experience in the region/nation.
  • Share with us any collaborations or partnerships that enhance the success of your project.
  • Highlight the significance and potential impact of your project.
  • Define the short and long term goals of your project.


  • Outline the specific project activities, outreach, methodology and strategies.
  • Describe how you will measure and evaluate the effectiveness of your project.

Detailed Budget:

  • Provide a budget overview for your project.
  • Outline how the funds will be used.


  • The EveryONE Fund Committee has determined not to consider building or infrastructure based submissions.